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Promo Code

Black Friday Gift Card

A gift for them and a gift for you: Score a bonus $25 gift card for every $100 gift card you purchase from Ristorante Per L’Ora, now through Dec. 31, 2023!

Bonus gift cards can be redeemed through March 31, 2024, while the gift cards you give away can be redeemed anytime!

Bonus Gift Card Details

Bonus gift cards are made for one-time use and must be surrendered to Ristorante Per L’Ora on redemption and won’t carry a balance forward. For example, if you only spend $15 and want to use the bonus gift card, you’ll lose the remaining $10 (so don’t forget dessert)!

Multiple bonus gift cards are allowed to be redeemed during your visit. For example, if your bill is $100 and you have two $25 bonus gift cards, you’re allowed to use both resulting in $50 being taken off your bill.